Capers Rocalba 0,5 g
Perennial shrub with thin and long stems. Flower buds and young fruits are used as a spice or starter.
Mostly eaten with fish, meat and sauces.
It requires chalky soil and is heat- and frost-sensitive.
Podrobný opis
2,48 € (netto cena : 1,95 €) | |
1-4 dni
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1-5 dní
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Perennial shrub with thin and long stems. Flower buds and young fruits are used as a spice or starter.
Mostly eaten with fish, meat and sauces.
It requires chalky soil and is heat- and frost-sensitive.
Mostly eaten with fish, meat and sauces.
It requires chalky soil and is heat- and frost-sensitive.
Hmotnosť: | 0.001 kg |
Šírka: | 120 mm |
Výška: | 175 mm |
Dĺžka: | 1 mm |
Dostupnosť produktu: | 1-4 dni |
Kultúra rastlín: | Okrasná záhrada |
Základná predajná jednotka: | db |
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