Cacti - a mixture of popular varieties Kiepenkerl 20 pcs

Sowing: all year round Field and row spacing: broadcast sowing Flowering: 1-2 years Germination: 4-20 days 20-26°C / 3-4 months after needling / 6-7 months after potting Cacti should be arranged in groups, e.g. in a conservatory, where they receive their nutrients from above or at a south-facing window. It requires a coarse sa... Podrobný opis
3,31 € (netto cena : 2,61 €)

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1-5 nap info
Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
Sowing: all year round
Field and row spacing: broadcast sowing
Flowering: 1-2 years
Germination: 4-20 days 20-26°C / 3-4 months after needling / 6-7 months after potting
Cacti should be arranged in groups, e.g. in a conservatory, where they receive their nutrients from above
or at a south-facing window. It requires a coarse sandy soil, supplemented with loam and cactus cactus
gal or clay granules. It prefers a light spot and should be kept relatively dry,
water from below. Feed every 2-4 weeks from spring to autumn, keep outdoors in summer
keep it outdoors. To sow seeds, fill the pot half full with gravel and place the soil mixture on top. Go to
cover the tiny seeds only thinly with sand and moisten them from the bottom up.
Cover with plastic wrap or glass until emergence. Shade the seedlings lightly if they are too
plant them too densely. A dormant period is needed to induce flowering:
Mar-Nov 18-25°C, then in winter 4-10°C and dry.
Contents: 20 seeds in a sprout-protective packet
Distributor: Bruno Nebelung GmbH (DE05-560)
Metal seal identification/packing date/expiry date: at the bottom of the package
Hmotnosť: 0.005 kg
Šírka: 100 mm
Výška: 150 mm
Dĺžka: 1 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Díszkert, Szobanövény

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