EnergyCut 600 B pruning shears Gardena

The GARDENA EnergyCut 600 B Pruning Lopper is a traditional pruning shear with bypass cutting for more challenging jobs. The transmission saves a lot of power, even when cutting thicker branches. Its light weight and well-designed arms make it even easier to use. The special plastic bumpers protect joints. Precision-ground blades with non-stick... Podrobný opis
61,69 € (netto cena : 48,57 €)

1-4 dni info
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1-5 dní info
Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
The GARDENA EnergyCut 600 B Pruning Lopper is a traditional pruning shear with bypass cutting for more challenging jobs. The transmission saves a lot of power, even when cutting thicker branches. Its light weight and well-designed arms make it even easier to use. The special plastic bumpers protect joints. Precision-ground blades with non-stick coating ensure precise and plant-friendly cutting. Replaceable knife. Warranty period 25 years.
Hmotnosť: 1.01 kg
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Hrozno, Okrasná záhrada, Ovocie
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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