Comfort small broom Gardena

For raking leaves, weeds and grass clippings The GARDENA Comfort Small Broom is the ideal tool for raking up leaves, weeds and grass clippings in small flowerbeds and hard-to-reach areas. The ergonomically designed handle with soft elements fits perfectly in the hand; thanks to its special design, it does not slip out of the hand. Made of qualit... Podrobný opis
15,41 € (netto cena : 12,13 €)

1-4 dni info
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1-5 dní info
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For raking leaves, weeds and grass clippings
The GARDENA Comfort Small Broom is the ideal tool for raking up leaves, weeds and grass clippings in small flowerbeds and hard-to-reach areas. The ergonomically designed handle with soft elements fits perfectly in the hand; thanks to its special design, it does not slip out of the hand. Made of quality steel, the brush has a working width of 12 cm. The Duroplast coating ensures a long service life. GARDENA offers a 25-year warranty.
Hmotnosť: 0.5 kg
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Okrasná záhrada, Zelenina
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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