Curved plant support Plast Arc green 60 cm
Curved plant support, ideal for supporting your running plants.
These supports are flexible so they can be adjusted to the size of the pot.
Podrobný opis
3,22 € (netto cena : 2,54 €) | |
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1-5 dní
Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
Curved plant support, ideal for supporting your running plants.
These supports are flexible so they can be adjusted to the size of the pot.
These supports are flexible so they can be adjusted to the size of the pot.
Hmotnosť: | 0.22 kg |
Dostupnosť produktu: | 1-4 dni |
Kultúra rastlín: | Okrasná záhrada, Okrasné |
Základná predajná jednotka: | db |
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