Basic sewage pump 9300 Gardena

High performance Sewage pump for heavy duty jobs The GARDENA Sewage Pump 9300 is a powerful pump that is an expert for heavy and dirty jobs. The practical and robust electric pump is the perfect choice for draining, transferring and suctioning wastewater. If you're looking for a powerful submersible pump for sewage, this machine is a great choic... Podrobný opis
72,46 € (netto cena : 57,06 €)

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High performance Sewage pump for heavy duty jobs
The GARDENA Sewage Pump 9300 is a powerful pump that is an expert for heavy and dirty jobs. The practical and robust electric pump is the perfect choice for draining, transferring and suctioning wastewater. If you're looking for a powerful submersible pump for sewage, this machine is a great choice for a myriad of uses. Designed for use in ponds, dry sumps, construction trenches, rainwater tanks and flooded basements. The GARDENA Sewage Pump 9300 handles sewage containing dirt and particles up to 25 mm in diameter. The powerful 400W motor can handle up to 9300 litres of wastewater per hour. It is equipped with a patented float switch, which can be set for continuous operation, prevents dry running and ensures automatic and safe operation of the pump. With its practical carrying handle, it is easy to transport the pump to your next heavy and dirty job site.The pump is excellent for draining ponds and construction trenches; it allows you to remove dirty water from unwanted areas efficiently and quickly. The pump has a maximum submersion depth of 6 metres to get to the bottom of the problem. It can lift water up to 5 metres above the water level. This handy and universal submersible pump can not only be used outdoors, but you can deploy it for any problematic household flooding; no more worrying about a flooded basement. GARDENA is the trusted market leader with 40 years of experience in pump design and manufacturing. This pump is perfect for occasional use and well worth the price.

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Power 400 W
Max. delivered water volume 9300 l/h
Max pressure 0.5 bar
Max. immersion depth 6 m
Max. delivery height head 5 m
Max. liquid temperature 35 °C
Cable length 10 m
Power cable type H05 RNF
Electrical protection class IP X8
Hmotnosť: 4.5 kg
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Okrasná záhrada
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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