Fitohorm 14 N 1 l

In its absence, the leaves turn pale, yellow and remain small. Leaf yellowing starts from the tips of the leaves, the shoots become stiff, flattened against the stem.Photosynthesis is inhibited, growth is retarded, the joint spaces are shortened, the development of the flower parts is also retarded, premature fruit drop occurs. The plants' toler... Podrobný opis
7,70 € (netto cena : 6,06 €)

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Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
In its absence, the leaves turn pale, yellow and remain small. Leaf yellowing starts from the tips of the leaves, the shoots become stiff, flattened against the stem.Photosynthesis is inhibited, growth is retarded, the joint spaces are shortened, the development of the flower parts is also retarded, premature fruit drop occurs. The plants' tolerance to frost is reduced. As root formation is also inhibited, nutrient uptake is also impeded.

EC fertiliser
Chelating agent:EDDHSA

Suggested use:
Nitrogen is one of the most important yield regulating nutrients. The most effective way to replenish it is of course through the soil, but there may be relative nitrogen deficiencies during the growing season (weather extremes) which can be most intensively and easily remedied by foliar fertilisation. The use of FitoHorm 14 N mono-elemental is an excellent solution.
- for foliar fertilisation: 5-10 l/ha/acre, in home gardens at a concentration of 1-2 % (1-2 dl/10 l water)
- for nutrient fertilisation: 0,1-0,5 % (1-5 l/1 000 l water) The treatments can be repeated 2-6 times during the growing season depending on the degree of nutrient deficiency.

Recommended use: 5-10 litres/ha
N: 35 %

Shelf life: can be kept indefinitely in its original closed packaging, away from food, drink and feed, in a dry, covered, cool but frost-free place.

The basic rules for spraying must also be observed for foliar fertilisation.
It can usually be used in combination with plant protection products, but it is advisable to check the compatibility beforehand!
Care must be taken to avoid spillage, dripping, contact with eyes, skin and possible ingestion of concentrated product.
Any product that gets into the eyes or on the skin must be washed off with plenty of water!
Do not discharge the product and its packaging into rivers, lakes or reservoirs!
Hmotnosť: 1 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Díszkert, Dísznövény, Gyümölcs, Pázsit, Szőlő, Zöldség

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