Einhell Battery-powered lawn trimmer GC-CT 18/24 Li - Solo

With the Einhell GC-CT 18/24 Li - Solo cordless lawn mower, you can make your garden, lawn with corners and borders look better in a flash. Work quickly and conveniently on the green areas of your home and experience the maximum flexibility of Power X-Change. The cordless lawn edger is a powerful, reliable member of the Power X-Change range. You... Podrobný opis
57,97 € (netto cena : 45,65 €)

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1-5 dní info
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With the Einhell GC-CT 18/24 Li - Solo cordless lawn mower, you can make your garden, lawn with corners and borders look better in a flash. Work quickly and conveniently on the green areas of your home and experience the maximum flexibility of Power X-Change. The cordless lawn edger is a powerful, reliable member of the Power X-Change range. You can use the battery with all the machines in the Power X-Change range - whether you're working in the garden or in the workshop. The lawn trimmer is equipped with Einhell's flowerguard (spacer) system, which effectively protects flowers and ornamental plants from damage. The infinitely adjustable, extendable handle is fully adapted to the needs and abilities of hobby gardeners, so working with it is never tiring. The battery-powered lawn mower is a powerful and indispensable helper, with a blade that spins at 8500 rpm to beautify lawns, outdoor green areas and hard-to-reach hidden spots in the garden. The blade has a cutting width of 24 centimetres. It comes with 20 plastic knives. The lawn trimmer is supplied without battery and charger; these can be purchased separately.
Hmotnosť: 2.07 kg
Šírka: 335 mm
Výška: 230 mm
Dĺžka: 950 mm
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Okrasná záhrada, Trávnik
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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