Einhell Battery Chainsaw GE-LC 18/25 Li - Solo

The Einhell GE-LC 18 Li Solo cordless chainsaw combines the power of Einhell products with the sharpness of OREGON chains. Combined with the high quality OREGON cutting blade and chain, the cordless chainsaw is an extremely user-friendly and safe tool. The easy-to-use chainsaw is a reliable aid for thinning and felling medium-sized trees, choppi... Podrobný opis
118,70 € (netto cena : 93,46 €)

1-4 dni info
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1-5 dní info
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The Einhell GE-LC 18 Li Solo cordless chainsaw combines the power of Einhell products with the sharpness of OREGON chains. Combined with the high quality OREGON cutting blade and chain, the cordless chainsaw is an extremely user-friendly and safe tool. The easy-to-use chainsaw is a reliable aid for thinning and felling medium-sized trees, chopping firewood and cutting and splitting beams. Einhell's cordless chainsaw is comfortable and safe to use for all hobby gardeners. The user's safety is guaranteed by the mechanical chain brake with recoil protection. It is activated immediately on recoil, which causes the chain to stop immediately. The chain catch pin stops the chain immediately if it becomes slack. The strong metal claw stop ensures a safe and comfortable work, whatever the job. Thanks to the ergonomic handle, you can always hold your Einhell cordless chainsaw securely and comfortably. No tools are needed to adjust the chain tension or replace it. The oil tank, which is responsible for the automatic chain cutting, can be conveniently refilled through the large oil filling opening. The unit is supplied without battery and charger.
Hmotnosť: 3.99 kg
Šírka: 380 mm
Výška: 515 mm
Dĺžka: 500 mm
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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