Pak Choi mini Tatsoi 45 grains Sperli
A fast-growing Far Eastern cabbage-like leafy vegetable with blistered, dark green, ribbed leaves. Leaves are in dense, compact rosettes, can be picked whole or leaf by leaf, with leaf stalk. The larger chopped parts of the plant are steamed, fried in oil or finely chopped and added to salads and soups. It grows well in well-drained, moderately...
Podrobný opis
4,73 € (netto cena : 3,72 €) | |
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1-5 dní
Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
A fast-growing Far Eastern cabbage-like leafy vegetable with blistered, dark green, ribbed leaves. Leaves are in dense, compact rosettes, can be picked whole or leaf by leaf, with leaf stalk. The larger chopped parts of the plant are steamed, fried in oil or finely chopped and added to salads and soups. It grows well in well-drained, moderately heavy soils. Plant in a sunny spot.
Hmotnosť: | 0.01 kg |
Šírka: | 140 mm |
Výška: | 80 mm |
Dĺžka: | 1 mm |
Dostupnosť produktu: | 1-4 dni |
Kultúra rastlín: | Zelenina |
Základná predajná jednotka: | db |
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