Metal planter with decorative leaf motifs Athea trellis brown 0,33x1,2m

ATHEA TRELLIS metal planter with decorative stone motif. Introducing the ATHEA TRELLIS metal planter: The ATHEA Trellis with its unique motif can promote the growth of your climbing plants and, last but not least, create complete harmony in your garden when placed together with two other elements of the ATHEA range. It promotes the growth of you... Podrobný opis
28,01 € (netto cena : 22,06 €)

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ATHEA TRELLIS metal planter with decorative stone motif.

Introducing the ATHEA TRELLIS metal planter:

The ATHEA Trellis with its unique motif can promote the growth of your climbing plants and, last but not least, create complete harmony in your garden when placed together with two other elements of the ATHEA range. It promotes the growth of your climbing plants or, when used with other elements of the "ATHEA" collection, creates complete harmony in your garden.

The advantages of the ATHEA TRELLIS metal planter:

- Thanks to its leaf pattern, it creates a very aesthetic effect.
- Can be used as a space divider or as a support for climbing plants, or even as a fence
- Modern look.
- Very resistant, guaranteed to last.
- Perfectly resistant to bad weather.
- Creates a pleasant atmosphere in the garden or on the patio.
- Easy to install and relocate.
- Recommended for our Deco Panels and Borders, which also represent this unique and trendy style.

Description of the ATHEA TRELLIS metal planter:


Painted metal.


0,33 m x 1,20 m



Patterns are laser-cut

Hmotnosť: 5.5 kg
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Okrasná záhrada
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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