Humin Garden-Sol concentrate 0,25 l

Humin Garden Plus-Sol-Humic acid liquid soil conditioner! Typical product composition: Humidity max. 62 %Total humic acids min. 20 %Other min. 18 %(natural Humic acid complex) Fulvic acid 7% Nitrogen (N) 0,30%Phosphorus (P2o5) 0,01%Potassium (K2o) 9,0%Calcium (Ca) 0,4%Magnesium (Mg) 0,1%Sulphur (S) 0,2%Iron (Fe) 1%Manganese (Mn) 3mg/kgZinc (Zn)... Podrobný opis
10,76 € (netto cena : 8,47 €)

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Humin Garden Plus-Sol-Humic acid liquid soil conditioner!

Typical product composition:

Humidity max. 62 %
Total humic acids min. 20 %
Other min. 18 %
(natural Humic acid complex)

Fulvic acid 7%

Nitrogen (N) 0,30%
Phosphorus (P2o5) 0,01%
Potassium (K2o) 9,0%
Calcium (Ca) 0,4%
Magnesium (Mg) 0,1%
Sulphur (S) 0,2%
Iron (Fe) 1%
Manganese (Mn) 3mg/kg
Zinc (Zn) 20 mg /kg
Copper (Cu) 20 mg/kg
Selenium (Se) 3 mg/kg
Molybdenum (Mo) 1 mg /kg

pH 13,3 (alkaline)

Storage: in dry, frost-free place, protected from sunlight, in original packaging

Recommendation for use:

For kitchen garden plants: sprayed on soil, for watering seedlings (200ml/100 litres of water)

Fruit trees, vines, berries, nursery watering: added to irrigation water, 2-4 times a month (200ml/100 litres).

Lawn, turf, pasture soil conditioning: added to irrigation water 1-2 times per week (200 ml/100 litres)

Irrigation of ornamental plants: added to irrigation water (400 ml/10 litres)

Watering of potted plants in pots and containers: 1-2 times per week (200 ml/100 litres)

Can be mixed with soil microbiological preparations:
- sprayed in the evening 250 ml /100 litres of water /200 m2 - watered in the morning
- sprayed in the morning 50 ml /100 litres of water /200 m2

For composting: 500 ml/m3 watered in when putting grass clippings and kitchen garden waste into compost

Preparation is alkaline pH 13.3 (alkaline), must not be applied to eyes and skin!

Occupational health waiting time: 0 days

Hmotnosť: 0.25 kg
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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