Lupigreen Spring Organic Mineral Fertilizer 11+1+4 (+ 1) + Fe 20 kg

What can you know about Lupigreen Spring Organic Mineral Fertiliser? Organic matter content: 100% plant-derived, organic-mineral long-life nitrogen predominant NPK fertilizer with magnesium, iron and P56 plant booster 46% organic matter content Nutrient composition: 11 + 1 + 4 (+ 1) + Fe Recommended dosage: 30-70 g/m2 Benefits of using Lupigreen... Podrobný opis
61,69 € (netto cena : 48,57 €)

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What can you know about Lupigreen Spring Organic Mineral Fertiliser?

Organic matter content:

100% plant-derived, organic-mineral long-life nitrogen predominant NPK fertilizer with magnesium, iron and P56 plant booster

46% organic matter content

Nutrient composition:

11 + 1 + 4 (+ 1) + Fe

Recommended dosage:

30-70 g/m2

Benefits of using Lupigreen Spring Organic Mineral Fertilizer:

  • Organic-mineral NPK long-acting lawn fertilizer with organic, long-lasting nitrogen for all turf surfaces.
  • The fast-acting nitrogen forms ensure rapid green-up even in low spring temperatures, and the organically bound, long-lasting nitrogen provides a long-lasting effect.
  • The inorganically bound nitrogen is derived from regionally grown plant raw materials, namely lupins.
  • Aster is ecologically valuable because it converts nitrogen in the air into nitrogen available to plants. It grows in poor soils, has a high phosphate uptake capacity and is a good pre-seed. It provides diversity in agricultural fields and is an insect forage.
  • The manure is free of animal components and has a mild odour intensity. After application, it does not need to be tilled or watered immediately.
  • PlantaCur®P56 also improves plant vigour and stress resistance. Nutrient supply and plant fortification are carried out in one working operation.
  • The contained iron improves chlorophyll formation and thus also greening.
  • Readily available organic matter supports the number and activity of micro-organisms and thus soil life. This improves root growth and resistance of plants.
  • The granules can be evenly spread by hand or with a fertiliser spreader, allowing for a uniform distribution of nutrients.




Organic matter content:


Nutrient composition:

11 + 1 + 4 (+1) + Fe

Long duration of action:

27% of the total nitrogen form is long-acting.

Delivery dose:

30-70 g/m2


For all sports and ornamental turf in spring months.

Grain size:

2- 4 mm

Hmotnosť: 20 kg
Šírka: 550 mm
Výška: 100 mm
Dĺžka: 400 mm
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Trávnik
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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