Wuxal Super Evergreen 1 l

Features of Wuxal Super Evergreen: A highly nutrient-rich solution for the effective care of demanding evergreen plants in your garden, which are sensitive to the mineral supply capacity of the soil. Application: An excellent nutrient solution for green ornamental plants, sprayed on foliage and added to irrigation water through the soil. Conifer... Podrobný opis
11,60 € (netto cena : 9,13 €)

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Features of Wuxal Super Evergreen:

A highly nutrient-rich solution for the effective care of demanding evergreen plants in your garden, which are sensitive to the mineral supply capacity of the soil.


An excellent nutrient solution for green ornamental plants, sprayed on foliage and added to irrigation water through the soil. Conifers, tulips, evergreen shrubs are less sensitive to the structure of garden soil types than to soil with an ideal composition and harmonious nutrient uptake. In addition to the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the right proportions, a mobile micronutrient content is even more important. These elements, present in small quantities, determine the ideal development of the foliage and have a great influence on the colouring of ornamental berries and shoots. In their absence, the foliage becomes deformed, browned and scarred. Regular application of Wuxal® Super Evergreen will eliminate the appearance of deficiencies and ensure that evergreen plants have the full specific mineral requirements. The nutrient solution contains an exceptionally high proportion of the ideal macro, meso and micro-nutrient requirements of green plants in an absorbable form. Vegetation well supplied with nutrients will have a vigorous root system, vigorous foliage and a regenerating new shoot crown, growing ornamental
crops! During the winter period, its resistance to frost is significantly increased.

Mechanism of action:

Essential components of the necessary macronutrients that build up the plant's organism: nitrogen is responsible for shoot growth and leaf formation, phosphorus ensures root and inflorescence and fruit development, potassium increases stress resistance and disease resistance, promotes proper water management. The micronutrients iron, boron, zinc, manganese, copper and molybdenum are of great importance in certain life cycles and life processes of plants. Copper and zinc are the micronutrients that are crucial for evergreens

Practical advice:

To feed your evergreens, add half/one capful of 10-20 ml of the substance to 10 litres of water, making a 0.1-0.2 solution. Water or spray the plants at 14-day intervals from April to October. In winter, one application is sufficient. For young small plants, halve the application rate. Do not exceed the dosing interval. When watering, try to distribute the solution proportionally over the area covered by the plant canopy. When applying a plant protection product, carry out a mixing test and follow the instructions for use.

Hmotnosť: 1.1 kg
Šírka: 90 mm
Výška: 90 mm
Dĺžka: 250 mm
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Hrozno, Izbové rastliny, Okrasná záhrada, Okrasné, Ovocie, Zelenina
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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