TitaN WP 100 g

Introducing TitaN WP: A unique product of its kind, with dozens of useful features, a plant symbiotic. A symbiotic is a microbial crop enhancer with which an inoculated species forms a close symbiotic association on the host plant and once it enters the plant.and produces metabolites that alter the plant microbiome in a healthy direction. This s... Podrobný opis
11,43 € (netto cena : 9,00 €)

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Introducing TitaN WP:

A unique product of its kind, with dozens of useful features, a plant symbiotic.

A symbiotic is a microbial crop enhancer with which an inoculated species forms a close symbiotic association on the host plant and once it enters the plant.and produces metabolites that alter the plant microbiome in a healthy direction.

This symbiosis can be established in the root rhizosphere, in the root tissue itself, or in other parts of the plant. The rhizosphere cooperation consists in feeding the sugary root exudate secreted by the plantThis is a process of root rotation in which the sugar-rich root extract selected by the plant feeds the beneficial bacteria, which use the energy it generates to fix nitrogen in the air and mobilise phosphorus in bound form in the soil. With the death of the bacterial cells, which have a short vegetative life cycle, nitrogen and other nutrients are lost to the plant.for the plant in organic form, which is a much higher level of plant nutrition than nitrogen fertilisation.

One of the most important properties of the species in this product is the extremely high volume of biological nitrogen fixation, which does not grow on the plant.It is not species specific, so it establishes this symbiotic relationship with a wide range of plant species, but it also has other useful benefits. Phosphorus mobilisation, production of surfactin against pathogenic fungi and bacteria, auxin synthesis, which intensifies plant growth and the production of nutrients.synthesis of chitinase, which protects the outer coat of fungi and insectschitin present on the plant exoskeletons, siderophores, activation of induced systemic resistance in plants, etc.


The preparation contains endospores of Bacillus mojavensis strain KN32, which is a bacterium with reproductive properties.plets are bacterial cells protected by multiple cell walls and highly resistant to external adverse conditions.

An important feature is the outstanding space occupancy of the strain. At the moment of application of Bacillus mojavensis, the plant root isr microbial community is established on the plant root, depending on the site and conditions.It is in this environment that the beneficial strain of bacteria must multiply in the plant symbiosis, building up a symbiotic relationship with the plant.and its immediate surroundings and to displace from there the mostly pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

It is important for the assessment of the titaN preparation that the Bacillus mojavensis species is included in the EU list ofwhich means that the active substance is harmless to animals and humans.

The spore-forming bacteria are not sensitive to the conditions of application, UV radiation, high temperatures, and high humidity.It does not die on the leaves of plants or on the soil surface, it waits for rainfall to fall.

The product is formulated as WP, a water-suspendable powder, which allows it to be stored in the soil, on the surface of the plants, on the ground or on the soil.no special environmental requirements, there is no need to store the product in arefrigerated storage, temperature-controlled storage, shelf-life of the product is2 years from production, unique in the domestic microbial product segment!


The recommended dose of titaN for arable crops is 1 kg/ha.

Lawn, turf: 10 g/100 m2



5-6 leaf stage, 2-300 l/ha


4-6 true leaf stage, 2-300 l/ha

Lawn, turf:

10 g/100 m2

Hmotnosť: 0.1 kg
Dostupnosť produktu: 1-4 dni
Kultúra rastlín: Trávnik
Základná predajná jednotka: db

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